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Companies USA Companies in the state of Colorado
Cataloxy Aurora...Companies in AuroraChildren hip-hopTippi Toes Southeast Aurora

Tippi Toes Southeast Aurora

Children’s Dance Classes, Children Ballet, Toddler and Me, Children Jazz, Children Hip-Hop

Tippi Toes Southeast Aurora offers children's dance classes in schools, community centers, and other family-friendly venues around Aurora, CO. We provide Ballet, Toddler and Me, Jazz, Hip-Hop, and Children’s Dance Classes. All Tippi Toes dancers learn the basics of dance in a positive and nurturing way. Find the most convenient class for your child based on location and age.

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Price list online: 80016
 Contact person: Tippi Toes Southeast Aurora
Other means of contact:  facebook instagram linkedin youtube cataloxy
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 22940 E Roxbury Dr Unit B
80016, Aurora, Colorado

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children’s dance classes, children ballet, toddler and me, children jazz, children hip-hop
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